If you are a business owner, this blog is recommended for you. You certainly tracked your most visited pages and wondered why customers focus on particular pages more than others. It indeed depends on the referral or affiliate links, but also it’s highly related to what customers are aiming to have out of their visit.
Here are the pages that customers visit the most, and here is why:
No matter from where your visitors come, they need to see an overview of your what you actually do as a business as the first piece of information.
Home pages drive customers to form their first impression; that’s why they should be clear, compelling, and attractive. You might also include a summary of your services, a call to action, and how visitors can contact you. Moreover, recent studies show that about 50% of web visitors expect a webpage to load in 2 seconds or less. Therefore, the best way to make a good impression is to have a well-designed and easy-to-navigate home page.
Contact Us page:
The Contact Us page is one of the most often visited pages, which frequently seems surprising. People are curious to know more about your business and what makes it different from your competitors. They would like to get in touch with you to remove any ambiguities or doubts they have. Good news! The more they ask, the more likely they are to make purchases or to be at least interested in your services.
Pricing page:
The primary and most important task of your pricing page is to:
Persuade visitors to take action,
Make a purchase,
Sign up for a free trial of your product or service,
Improve conversions significantly.
Don’t overwhelm your visitors with too much information; highlight the differences instead. Simplicity is key. Release your pricing information, and match each tier with a specific buyer persona if you have different packages that cater to different sizes and budgets.
FAQ page:
The frequently asked questions feature will provide everyone with all the required information on a single page.
You don't have to spend as much time individually responding to those same inquiries. Give each question an honest answer. Your responses should contain a call to action, influence a potential consumer to proceed and purchase what you're offering, and remove any doubts a customer may have regarding the service itself or the purchase process.
Testimonials/reviews page:
The most crucial benefit of reviews is social proof. You are selling your products and services to humans, who form their trust based on multiple criteria, such as credibility. Most of the time, visitors don’t believe what you say about your business as much as they believe the reviews that are made by previous purchasers.
Up to 84% of consumers asserted that checking reviews before buying is a must for them and that they can pay up to 22% more if the company’s reputation is good.
Now that the most visited and crucial website pages have been put on emphasis. One might ask:
What happens if my website doesn’t actually possess one of those crucial pages? Should it be replaced by something else? Is it even possible to be replaced?
Stay tuned for the next blog; there is always a solution!